Learning from Lambda
Bill Dove (1974)
Standing: Irene Kuhn, John Lehman, Bill Wyatt, Steve Barclay. Seated: Mark Furth, Bill Dove, Rich Roehrdanz. (ca 1972)
Peter Brookes
Cartoon by an anonymous doctoral student at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute, 1996: Chapman Memorial Lecture. "Bill Dove, Chemist"
Finn Haugli, father (ca 1969)
Lambda’s growth ceases | Physarum gains molecular genetics | The mouse emerges
Alex 1982
Bill with Tom Laffler
Tom Laffler and Tim Schedl
Kari and Finn revisit Madison, 1982
Kari Haugli
David Cunningham and Finn Haugli
Keith Gull, visiting faculty member from Canterbury UK
Tim Burland and Keith Gull
Keith Gull, Tim Schedl, Tim Burland, Larry Johnson, Bill Dove (1983)
Standing: Bill, Alex, Ellen Mattes, Larry Johnson, Paula Buzzell, Larry Green, Angela Nohe, Linda Clipson. Kneeling: Jim Maher.
Tim Burland
Melanie Woch, Derek Symula, Dave McDonald, Magdalena Coronado, Alex Dove, Bill Dove
Natalie Borenstein and Tom King
Gary Buchschacher; Larry Green; David Cunningham; Tom King; Tim Burland; Adam Wilkins; Richard Braun Middle row: Michael Oetliker; Linda Clipson; Amy Moser; Carol McLeester; Bill Dove; Paul Buzzell Front row: ??; Kathleen Colleran; Marianne Schroeder
Larry and Mary Johnson
Newlyweds Val and Tim Burland with Larry Green, Tim Schedl and Larry Johnson
Gull family at University Houses
Keith Gull and Phil Anderson
Carol McLeester at her retirement party
Eileen Paul
DNA transformation of Physarum | Cancer genetics of the mouse | When you come to a fork in the road…
Tim Burland
Amy Moser and Karen Gould
Cindy Luongo
Andy Thliveris and Rich Halberg
Rich Halberg and Alex Dove
Alex Dove, Michael Gould, Amy Moser, Camille Connelly
Lila Solnica-Krezel and Juliet Bailey = “Julila” (1990)
Dave McDonald and Alex (1991)
Bill Dove, Cindy Luongo, Camille Connelly, Bill Dietrich, Amy Moser, Karen Gould, Al Shoemaker (1992)
Bob Cormier and Kevin Haigis (1998)
Al Shoemaker
Cheri Pasch and Amy Lillich
Rich Halberg and Jesse Waggoner
Cheri Pasch, Kevin Haigis, Anita Merritt, Rich Halberg, Mindy Grove, Bob Cormier, Natalie Borenstein
Genetics and biology of cancer | The mouse and rat are friends of people | Statistics and evolution
Bill Dove, Amy Lillich, Cheri Pasch, Rich Halberg, Linda Clipson, Michael Newton, Alex Dove, Pete Hoff, Andy Thliveris
Michael Gould, Jim Amos-Landgraf, Larry Kwong, Jill Haag, Bill Dove
Xiaodi Chen
Back: Bill Ehrhardt, Ryan Burch, Xiaodi Chen, Jim Amos-Landgraf, Larry Kwong. Middle: Linda Clipson, Bethany Hyduke, Dawn Albrecht, Natalie Borenstein. Front: Cheri Pasch, Alex Dove, Bill Dove, Caitlin Iverson. (2005)
James Crow (Genetics), Ilse Riegel (McArdle) and Bill Dove:Perspectives on Genetics, 1987-2008
Dove group, 2007. Front: Cheri Pasch, Dawn Albrecht, Kathy Krentz , Linda Clipson. Back: Bill Dove, Jim Amos-Landgraf, Brianna Laube, Ryan Smith, Cory Hartman, Rich Halberg, Xiaodi Chen, Alex Dove.
Jim Amos-Landgraf and Bart Smits (Gould Postdoc)
Linda Clipson, Jennifer Pleiman, Amy Irving and Jim Amos-Landgraf
Bill Dove, Amy Irving and Jim Amos-Landgraf
Top row: Jim Amos-Landgraf, Sarah Hamilton, Mackenzie Egan, Madeline Ford, Linda Clipson, Bill Dove. Bottom row: Lindsay Young, Jen Pleiman, Amy Irving (2011).
Amy Irving, Melanie Ivancic and kids (2015)
Jen Pleiman and Eric Toraasen
Michael Newton
Christina Kendziorski
Michael Sussman
Mark Reichelderfer
Perry Pickhardt
Dustin Deming
Bill and Alex Dove (Mt. Desert Island 2016)
Lab plaque at Union Terrace
Our lab has fun
Bill coaches sports for fun
Finn and Kari nimbly figure out the rope trick.
Keith Gull and Tim Burland
Larry Johnson
Tim Schedl
Tim Burland
Larry Green with Ruth Gull
Cheryl Bunker with Ruth and David Gull
12 inch plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum,a syncytial object of desire for its synchronous replication cycle
By the front door at Chez Burland in Cross Plains:edible?
Marcia and Kevin Haigis, Bill and Alex, Cheri Pasch, Rich Halberg, Jen Triemstra, Amy Lillich
Cheri Pasch and Amy Lillich
Kevin and Marcia Haigis
Xiaodi Chen and his wife Lan Guo
Jim Amos-Landgraf at Mt. Desert
Bill Dove, Amy Irving, Jen Pleiman, Sarah Hamilton, Mackenzie Egan, Jim Amos-Landgraf (2011)
New photos from old friends
The Mahers, then and now (2015)
Xiaodi Chen and Lan in China (2015)
Irene Kuhn on Mt. Hood
Kari and Finn
Richard Roehrdanz